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Thomasville FUMC Trip

Thomasville FUMC Trip 1

6/15/2009  By: Rachel Newsome, youth intern
Thomasville First United Methodist Church-  Thomasville, GA
We arrived at the AIM training center on Saturday night, and immediately formed chore groups and started to form bonds with the AIM leaders that were with us. On Sunday morning, the team and the AIM leaders went to church at Lanier Hills and worshipped together. We then had lunch at the church and changed to go do some outreach at the park. The team arrived at the park, and one group went to go find some kids to play soccer with. The other group went to the playground to go blow bubbles for kids and hopefully get a chance to talk to some of the people hanging around. We blew bubbles for the little kids, and just had a great time watching them play and getting a chance to serve them. The other group played soccer with a kid Jose who probably had to significantly lower his soccer skills to play with them. They then went to the baseball fields and cheered for some of the kids playing. The girls at the playground ended up getting into a really good and deep conversation, and really had an opportunity to grow closer.
After we returned from the park, we ate dinner and had an amazing time of worship and prayer as a team. The youth group we work with has changed a lot in the past couple of years, and there is a general feeling that this trip is going to be the starting point of growth and change for the better among the youth. This trip is as much about us serving the people in Gainesville as it is about the team growing together and being refreshed by the Lord. God has really been speaking to our team, and has even almost audibly called by name a couple of girls on the team while they were praying or just resting. God’s goodness to us has been so evident.
Today we are going to the Boys and Girls Club to do sports evangelism and then we are going to a Nursing Home. We really want to show the joy of the Lord to the kids as well as the elders that we encounter. The Lord has definitely blessed us so far, and will continue to do so!